Sunday, January 26, 2014

Observation 3.2

Date: January 26, 2014

            ...I am sad to say that this will be my first observation without a picture. Unfortunately, this whole weekend the night sky was cloudy and I was not able to see any of the stars or constellations. In fact, even in the daylight almost all this weekend the sky was threatening to pour out rain. Just thinking about it though, all there needs to be is one cloudy night and the next night when you look up at the sky, everything can look so different. The constellations could have shifted, the planets could have moved into another set of stars and even the Moon could look absolutely different. Honestly, that must've sucked for astronomers back in the day when they would be observing some kind of pattern in the sky such as an orbit of a moon on some other planet. Just one day could mess up all the data if they were not careful enough but luckily we don't have to worry about that just with all the satellites and space probes up in space. I have made a challenge for myself. One of the things I want to do before I die is take a picture of all the constellations in the sky. Yup, all 88 of them and so far I have 8 of them down. Just 80 more to go! Hopefully next week will be clearer. Well, I guess until next time!

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