Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Observation 3.5

Look at how beautiful the sea looks

The reflection of the Sun's light emphasizes the ripples on the water

If you look hard enough, you can see the shape of the Sun

I think that this picture is just gorgeous! 

Slowly the Sun disappears, yet the light is still lingering

Date: February 14 -17, 2014
Time: 10:21-10:29 am & 6:20-6:42 pm

Observation: I am here! Well if you were wondering, this whole entire weekend I spent my time in Dallas, Texas, which by the way was the best time of my life! Now as you see my pictures are a little different today. They were all taken when I was on the plane, obviously, with the wonderful camera of my phone; it actually didn't take bad pictures.

Whenever I travel via plane, I always hope for the window seat and for most of the beginning and the end of the plane ride I just sit there looking outside, and every time I am amazed. I just love seeing how small everything gets and how beautiful some, emphasis on the some, places are. While I was looking out at the sky going to Dallas, I noticed the curve of the Earth, although very minor in the picture, and the atmosphere. Looking at all of this of course reminded me of astronomy and so I whipped out my phone and started taking pictures on pictures on pictures! I thought the water looked so beautiful from the plane with the reflection of the Sun on it. Since I could see more than my camera could actually capture, I was able to see the curve of the Earth which I have never noticed on a plane. So next time you go on a plane make sure you take note of that.

When was on the flight back to good ole Florida, the night time was outstanding.Obviously the Sun was setting which gave off the wonderful glow. The Sun was behind some clouds at a point and when I focused the camera on the clouds I was able to see the Sun through it which I thought was amazing since the light was already scattered in the clouds. It was also nice to see how there was still light on the Earth even when the Sun had set, indicating how massive and powerful the Sun is.

I know I did not explain anything in this observation, however, I feel like it is important to just admire the Earth and the sky when you get the chance because you just never know when you will ever see it again. More specifically, every day comes with its own beauty so be sure to just take the time to sit back and take in the beauty of the world.

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