Sunday, March 23, 2014

Observation 3.9

Hey guys. Unfortunately this day has come again in which I am not able to give you guys a picture. Why? Well, I was gone all weekend to a retreat in Atlanta, Georgia. I promise, though, I did not for get about this.

While I was out of state I did not have the chance to go outside but when I finally came home today and I looked at the sky, which was partly cloudy by the way, I noticed that the constellation Orion was a whole lot more west than it used to be. That means the seasons are changing and new constellations will soon be visible! I also noticed the constellation Ursa Major which was a lot higher off the horizon. Today the moon was in its last quarter phase so it was not bright enough to outshine many other stars. Anyways, I am glad to be back in warm, humid Florida. See you next time!

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