Thursday, May 22, 2014

Observation 4.8

Date: May 22, 2014

On this night sky, was once again looking up at the constellation Ursa Major and I followed the arch to Arcturus and continued it on until I found Spica. I already did Boötes in the last observation where I also mention that Spica was in the constellation Virgo, or Virgin. In my picture, the circle is the general area of Virgo, but the actual constellation is really higher up. I would have been able to draw it out if it was not cut off in the picture. Before I get into Virgo's story, the constellation that you see next to Virgo is Corvus, or the Crow.

The story of Virgo: This constellation is about the goddess of justice, Dike, who has wings. Dike lived during a time called the Golden Age of mankind, when Cronus ruled the heavens. This was a time of peace and happiness and where food grew without cultivation and where humans never grew old. They basically lived like gods, not having to work, never felling sorrow, pain and had no wars. Dike went among them and gave out her wisdom and justice. One day, Zeus overthrew his father from Olympus and became the ruler of the heavens. This brought the Silver Age. During this time, Zeus shortened springtime and introduced the cycle of seasons. During this age, humans began to fight and stopped worshiping the gods. Dike, who longed for the old days, came and gathered the people and scolded them for forsaking the ideal of their ancestors and warned them of worse days to come. She then left and took refuge in the mountains, turning her back on humankind. Soon the Bronze and Iron Ages came where there was violence, theft, and war. Unable to endure the sins of humanity, Dike left Earth and flew up into heaven where she now sits next to the constellation Libra which is the scale of justice.

I will write the story of Corvus another day because it is related to the 2 constellations next to it. Other than that, Happy Summer!

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