Sunday, October 13, 2013

APOD 1.7

Have you ever seen a comet before? If not, then you have a chance to see one around December time. The picture above shows a comet called Comet ISON which was discovered on September 21, 2012.
A comet is an ice-like formation which circles the Sun. Made up of water, carbon dioxide and ammonia and methane, it is surrounded by gas and dust which makes that tail-like appearance as it travels through space. Like the Moon, this comet. like all others, will reflect the Sun's light as it comes closer to the Sun and may possibly be brighter than the Moon.
This comet is said to possibly have came from the Oort Cloud which is mass formation of ice particles that is around 1 light-year away from the Sun. It is thought that is this the source of many of the comets seen or observed from Earth, however, there is no actual prove of that being the case.
Whatever the result of this comet, it is a sight to be seen, as well as meteor showers which are actually debris of comets from the Sun vaporizing bits and pieces of the comet.
Be sure to keep track of these astronomical events and just keep looking up!

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