Friday, November 15, 2013

APOD 2.4

The picture above was taken in Australia in January in the year 2007. Here, as you can see, people are just casually relaxing at the beach watching the fireworks on the left (because they were celebrating Australia Day) and to the right, greatly contrasting with the bright sky, is obviously a thunderstorm with an amazing shot of lightening. Although most of the Australians and probably you are focusing on the sky as a whole, right in the middle of the sky, in between the clouds and the fireworks, if you look close enough you can see this one little white streak seeming to head downwards. What the many people on this beach did not even notice was that they were witnessing a comet!

This comet is called Comet McNaught. Last seen in 1935, this is the brightest this comet has ever been seen by the naked eye. Pretty coincidental right? Well there is a chance for you (unfortunately for those of you who live in the USA) to possibly see a comet like this but probably not as bright on Sunday before the Sun is about to rise. Just look by the star Spica and you will be able to see the comet!

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