Sunday, November 3, 2013

Observation 2.2

As you can see, the Sun is beginning to rise.

Even in 1 minute you can see the slight color change in the sky.

When: November 3, 2013
Time: 7:23am-7:30am

This morning, I woke up really early and I ran outside to my backyard. Why? Because today there was going to be a total solar eclipse! That is of course if you were in the Atlantic Ocean right off the coast of Uganda. A solar eclipse is when the Sun and the Moon come in perfect alignment during daytime. Even though the total eclipse was on the other side of the world, there was a chance to see a partial eclipse on the eastern coastline of the U.S. all the way to Somalia. Unfortunately, my view of the horizon was obstructed by the tree line so by the time I was able to see the Sun the partial eclipse had passed. If I had gotten the chance to see the Sun right when it started to rise, I would have seen the Sun with a little chunk bitten off of it. This chunk would have been the Moon. Slowly as the Sun would rise higher and higher into the sky, the chunk would soon disappear as the Moon begin to seemingly move away from the Sun. Almost like this:

This is just a picture from the Internet.

I guess better luck next time!

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