Sunday, November 3, 2013

Observation 2.1

When: October 31 2013
Time: 6:15am-6:30am

Observation: This morning, I went outside to see the stars and I noticed that the phase of the Moon was a waning crescent. When I was outside, I was able to make out the whole outline of the Moon, however, on this photo you are only able to see the crescent. What was really nice about the Moon today was that it was a little lower than it usually was this whole week and throughout the car ride to school I was able to see the Moon.

Although I do not have pictures of it, I also saw the constellations Ursa Major (Big Bear or Big Dipper) and Orion.

In a previous observation I took a picture of Orion and I indicated that it was more towards the East, however, as the months passed Orion is now fairly westward and for some reason I was able to stars around it clearer than before. This is probably due to the fact that the Sun has been rising later and later on in the day. Slowly, the constellations will move more and more to the West and some constellations that I was not able to see will soon become visible.

Just keep looking up and follow the stars!

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