Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Observation 2.8

Date: December 25, 2013
Time: 2:24 - 2:30 am

Tonight, after just coming home from a Christmas party, I looked up at the sky to see what awesome things were up there for me to record and of course the first thing that I saw was the Moon! In all honesty, I was very surprised when I saw the Moon because I don't ever recall seeing just the bottom half of the Moon lit up before. Now don't worry, this does not mean the world is going to end or a start of the zombie apocalypse is beginning. This is just the way the Moon is rotating around the tilted Earth and also due to the latitude my house is located. I will also mention that the Moon was fairly close to the ground tonight. I am saying this because with the tilt of the Earth and the Moon's rotation around the Earth, the Moon would most probably be on the southern part of its orbit. Since it is in this part of its orbit, the light reaching to it from the Sun would only light up the bottom half of the Moon. This is why looking up at the sky, night or day is important because you could see something that you have never seen before or the world has never recorded! Just keep searching!

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