Sunday, December 1, 2013

Observations 2.4

Date: November 21, 2013
Time: 9:10 - 9:43 pm

Observations: Tonight, when I came outside, the weather was quite chilly. The Moon today was seen to be near the planet Jupiter, yet the sky was actually quite clear and the stars could easily be seen. Today, in the photo above I was able to point out 2 other constellations although you cannot see the whole thing. In the sky right now that you might notice from my previous observations is Orion and Eridanus. At the very top left corner is actually the bottom of the constellation Orion and you are able to see most of the constellation Eridanus (even though it is more visible in this photo than last weeks, you still cannot see the whole entire constellation!) Eridanus takes up the whole left half of the picture. Now for the other half, there are the constellations Cetus, the Seamonster and Taurus, the Bull.

It is amazing just how big these constellations are out in the sky, but when you take a picture of them or see a diagram of them they look so small! It is a wonder how big space really is and how small we are compared it. We are like a grain of sand compared to the desert and even that is insufficient in describing our relationship with space. So have some respect and do not take life for granted!

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