Sunday, September 1, 2013

APOD 1.1

This picture is of 2 galaxies, the more prominent one called NGC 5195 and the blueish spiral to the side is M51, also called the Whirlpool galaxy. What I think is so amazing is that NGC 5195 is close enough to M51 (a couple of thousand light years away) that it is able to distort not only it's shape, but also the shape of the Whirlpool galaxy. Apparently, NGC 5195's gravitational force has caused part of M51's spiral to sort of drift off or pull away from its galaxy. What I found interesting was the fact that Whirlpool galaxy was making stars in it's spiral. It is also interesting that NGC 5195 has been traveling near the Whirlpool galaxy, although for millions of years. I can't help but wonder if something like that will happen to our galaxy.

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