Date: 18 September 2013
Time: 6:26 am
In the picture above, you can see the constellation Orion. That Wednesday, on my way to the car to go to school, I just happened to look up and I saw Orion. The first thing I noticed was Orion's belt (the 3 stars in a row). Actually, I have always seen Orion's belt throughout my life but I just never realized it. My family has always called "Orion's belt", The Three Kings after the 3 wise kings in the bible who traveled to Bethlehem to see baby Jesus.
After researching The Three Kings, I actually found that it was also another legal name for Orion's belt which surprised me. Apparently, the The Wise Kings are in line with the star Sirius (which is also known as the star in the East which the three wise men had followed to get to Jesus when they got lost in the desert) which is part of the constellation Canis Major, also called the "Great Dog". Canis Major is represented as one of the dogs that follow Orion.
There are many stories of the constellation Orion. It is said that Orion, who is followed by Canis Major and Canis Minor (Smaller Dog), is hunting a hare (constellation Lepus). Other stories involve him chasing after Taurus the Bull, or him running away from Scorpius, a scorpion sent out from the gods to get him when Orion declared he could kill any beast on Earth, which is why Scorpion appears in the East and Orion in the West. Lastly, Orion is also said to have fallen in love with the Pleiades, the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, and is in the continuous pursuit in finding them.
I find that all these stories in depth and that all these constellations have something related to each other, almost like a huge story, which I personally love. Orion is most visible in the night sky during winter time in the Northern Hemisphere so slowly Orion will more and more to the West and he will soon disappear forever running away from Scorpius and trying to find Pleiades.
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