Friday, April 11, 2014

APOD 4.3

Tonight, the planet Mars will be between opposition (April 8) and its closet approach (April 14) with Earth this year! What is opposition? Well, that is when the Earth and a planet, in this case Mars, are aligned with the Sun. You can find Mars near the constellation Virgo and you should really take the time to try look at Mars through a telescope because it is so close. The only problem with Mars being in its position is that the Moon today is also almost full which means that it is reflecting a lot of light, outshining the other planets and stars. 

This picture was taken in Brazil with a high-speed camera and a 16-inch diameter telescope. You can see that there are whitish orographic clouds where water vapor clouds are condensing in the cold atmosphere above the Mar's volcanoes. It is amazing on how clearly you can see Mars and its variety of colors and climates. 

Some of you might wonder why isn't Mars's opposition and its closest approach on the same day! Well, the reason why they are different is because all the planets have somewhat of an elliptical orbit which also vary in size and position in relation to the Sun. But what is so special about the day of Mars' closest approach is that it is also the day in which there is a total eclipse of the Moon. So make sure you look up!

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