Saturday, April 5, 2014

Observing With NASA 1

This is the Trifid Nebula M20

This photo was actually taken 2 weeks ago specifically for me. Actually this photo is consisted of 3 separate photos that were processed and stacked together using the MircoObservatoryImageWindows2.3.

The way that I processed it was I took the 3 photos of the nebula that I requested and I adjusted the images using the Log and then Auto button. After that I reduced the noise of each one and then converted the images into a stack. I then aligned the 3 pictures together by pressing Shift and then I converted them into an RGB.

A little information about the Trifid Nebula M20 is that it is in the constellation Sagittarius. The red glow is from light hitting the hydrogen gas. The nebula can also be seen with good binoculars at night.

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