Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Observation 4.3

You can really see the rainbow around the Sun.

Don't mind my hair in this photo. The Sun looks black in this picture!*
Date: April 16, 2014

Guess what I saw when I was at school today?

A rainbow around the Sun? Well, yes but more specifically, a sun halo. This ring is formed when the sunlight passes through cirrus clouds (which you can see in the first picture). Since clouds hold ice crystals, which are basically drops of water that stick onto the dust particles in the atmosphere, the crystals bend the sunlight and create a rainbow (just as a prism bends light and creates a rainbow). Here is a little secret. You can see this halo anytime or anywhere in the world.


Well, if you are positioned 22 degrees from the Sun you can see the halo! It is more common to see these halos in the fall, winter and spring. So next time, if there ever happens to be cirrus clouds in the sky, try to see if you can see a sun halo and show others too!

Keep looking up!

*The Sun is not really black, it just appears that way through the picture.

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